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I am Dr. Cyntrell

Dr. Cyntrell T. Crawford, MD is a Adult Psychiatrist who focuses on Addiction Recovery, who is also speaker, author, consultant and media personality.  Dr. Cyntrell is also Founder and Chief Medical Advisor of and shares her knowledge via her web series to help those struggling with addiction find a confidential and safe path to recovery.

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It has been my pleasure to work with Dr. Cyntrell.  She has always provided the best patient care and demonstrate high levels of enthusiasm while discussing case consultations with her colleagues.  She easily obtains the trust of the many patients she treats, along with staff members due to her genuine desire to effectively help everyone.  Some words that come to mind, when describing Dr. Cyntrell are responsible, interactive, positive, approachable, and professional.  Her in-depth knowledge, experience and the dedication all contribute to her success in the healthcare community.

Juan Carlos H. Mental Health Therapist in Philadelphia, PA

Your livestreams opens the door for individuals who suffer some form of mental illness, especially in a world where people pass judgement or even criticize these individuals. You are there to offer education and support. We need more doctors like you. Thanks for caring, Dr. Cyntrell

Charlotte C., Client

The Urge Fix Recovery Guide


Are you struggling with an addiction? Are you in active recovery and want to develop a plan to prevent relapse? If you need a clear, focused, and understandable strategy for fighting the battle against your addiction, The Urge Fix Recovery Guide is your roadmap to a successful journey.

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FREE 30 Minute Consultation

Official Blog Updates

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Beyond the CAGE

Dr. Cyntrell Crawford interviews Harvey Norris, Social Worker, Author, Forensic Expert, Suicide Prevention Expert as he tells how alcohol affects individuals and society and gives insight on how to overcome

Rebuild a Career After Trials Without Forming Destructive Habits

Dr. Cyntrell Crawford interviews Dr. Jarret Patton physician, best-selling author and career-mending expert as he tells how it feels to lose your professional identity due to false accusations. Learn how

No, You Are Not In Denial

Sometimes it is hard for an adult to admit that a habit that is drifting dangerously close to addiction is actually a problem he or she owns. Dr. Cyntrell uses